is proud to be an
eBrief Ready Barrister

Security first
First and foremost, being eBrief Ready means that all material related to the matter is secure:
- Data hosted within Australia
- Encrypted for everyone’s protection
- Tracked with access logs
- Password protected
- Accessed with Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) log-in
- Safeguarded with ISO27001 security standard compliance
eBriefs are infinitely more secure than paper (which can be easily copied) and email (which is susceptible to hacking).
Improved productivity and collaboration
When a matter is shared with an eBrief Ready barrister, all parties involved in the matter work together more productively:
- Easily upload and share all types of files
- Access the matter from anywhere at any time
- Quickly and easily search across all files
- Make private or share annotations
- Automatically produce a PDF bundle ready for court in minutes
When a matter is shared with an eBrief Ready Barrister, all parties invited to the matter get free access to the powerful eBrief Ready Pro functionality for the duration of the matter.
Reduced impact on the environment
eBrief Ready supports the legal industry’s move towards a paperless office. As of mid-2022, eBrief Ready users have saved over 7,500 trees (75 million sheets of paper) and this continues to grow at a rate of over 150 trees per week.
eBrief Ready users reduce the legal industry's carbon footprint, minimising the use of printers, courier and transport services and reducing the need for recycling and paper disposal processes.